Yaron Traub, nativo de Israel, uno de los directores más reconocidos en España, fue Director Titular y Artístico de la Orquesta de Valencia desde 2005 hasta 2017.
Desde que ganara en 1998 el Premio del IV Concurso Internacional Kondrashin de Dirección de Orquesta en Ámsterdam, Traub lleva una carera internacional interesantísima dirigiendo a unos de los conjuntos sinfónicos más prestigiosos en todo el mundo, entre otros, la Orquesta Filarmónica de Israel, Filarmónica y Sinfónica de la Radio de Holanda, Mariinsky Orquesta de San Petersburgo, Sinfónica de la Radio Stuttgart, Sinfónicas de Sydney y Melbourne, Sinfónica de la Radio Sueca, Filarmónica de Rotterdam…
Durante sus doce años de titularidad al frente de la Orquesta de Valencia, Traub ha conseguido un triple objetivo: mejorar y consolidar su rendimiento artístico; dotarla de una nueva proyección con grandes éxitos de público y crítica, y fidelizar a un importante sector de público, renovado y estable, que siente la Orquesta como propia…

Yaron Traub, native to Israel, Music Director and Chief Conductor of the Valencia Orchestra from 2005 to 2017, is one of Spain’s most regarded conductors…
Traub has conducted numerous prestigious symphonic orchestras worldwide, including the Israel Philharmonic, both Netherlands Radio Philharmonic and Radio Symphonic Orchestras, Sydney and Melbourne Symphony Orchestras, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic…
As Music Director Traub has contributed decisively to raise the recognition of the Orchestra of Valencia as a high-level ensemble and increased the frequent presence of prestigious international soloists in its concerts. Daniel Barenboim, Gidon Kremer, Emmanuel Pahud, Radu Lupu, Truls Mork, Waltraud Meier have performed under Traub’s baton to the ovations of an enthusiastic audience.

“…Traub knows how to bring out the suggestive and majestic character of the music revealing to the audience the thematic alignment and the contrapuntal treatment demanded by the composer. This was a luxurious experience for the audience, clearly moved by their attention and silence, aware that they were witnessing an artistic event of the utmost relevance.”
“Shortly after arriving, he achieved a surprising effect: Each concert was becoming a special event which was what people came to expect. Furthermore, he had managed something not easily achieved: with a seductive charisma, building a bridge between the musicians, the interpretations and the whole audience.”
“…On his debut, Yaron Traub presented a concert of exceptional artistic beauty, leading the orchestra to give one of its best performances in the last few years”.
I have been music director and chief conductor of the Valencia Orchestra for twelve years, and was deeply moved by the twenty-minute long standing ovation that followed the final chords of my last concert as music director. Receiving such recognition and appreciation evoked in me a sense of gratitude for my extensive tenure as music director, which helped me shape my musical vision and define my personal strengths as a conductor. Hence some personal thoughts about the privileged but highly responsible position of a modern-day music director and chief conductor.
I feel it is essential for a music director to stimulate one’s innate curiosity, and consistently refine one’s style, and expertise as an orchestra-leader; develop musical conceptions and focus on sound, balance, phrasing, and fine ensemble playing.

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