Project Description

Ernst Bloch “Shelomo”

Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 6

April 27th, 2018
Palau de la Música
Orquesta de Valencia

Media and Press

“One of the legacies that Yaron Traub leaves with the Orchestra of Valencia is an extremely high interpretative level reached by the orchestra under his baton in the interpretation of Mahler’s music… Indirectly, (he) also leaves an audience that adores this music … With this performance, Traub gave us one of his best interpretations, by intensity and depth… “.
Cesar Rus, Las Provincias.

“Traub approached the work with a special property that was sometimes made unnerving and that reached its maximum expression in the last movement, where a sense of acquiescence seemed to be perceived before the destiny, particularly in the tragic final measures. The music was always at the service of the recondite postulates of the pentagram.

The 110 musicians of the orchestra responded to the clear, intentional and precise baton, with contrasts of splendid opulence and meditative features, giving careful attention to rhythms and timbres… The fiery applause that followed the performance, clearly showed that the large attendance had understood Traub’s musical intentions, transmitted so clearly”.
Antonio Gascó, D
iario Mediterráneo.